Created 04/25/97 @ 11:31 P.M.
07/02/99- Five Months untill Y2K. Well I've added new art in all the sections. Remember to look for the *to find the new pics. Also Check out some of the new links I've added. I took the liberty of placeing most of the stuff from 96-mid 98 in a sepirate folder. And check out my new link button.
02/10/99- New art added in all sections. All new art is marked with a *. New parody art of the Fatal Fury that i'm calling Fatal Furry. Links in the Adult section are up. I'm not responsible for minors so only legal adults are allowed. If youre a minor then dont go there. If I start getting to many complaints about that then it's going to go down.. Enjoy your stay.
09/27/98-Complete upgrade to a new version. New formatting in galleries and new art work have been added but have been kept unmarked. New Adult section. Also all links should be fixed. Commissions page and adult pages will be fully opperational at a laiter time. So please enjoy your visit. and come back soon. Also the Java applet here tells what has been done but for non java users. Some info will still be posted here
09/07/98-Now you need Java to run parts of this page.
05/03/98-Finished up on the Art Gallery. Also I've added some new pics, and now a featured Pic of the Month.
02.24.98- Finished re-organizeing the B&W art gallery.
02.22.98- The fonts have not been up-loaded yet. Changed a fiew things inside.
02.01.98- Not quite finished. Sub warning page is in effect for the heavy construction work. Hopeing for a cleener look for the new pages of 1998. Hopeing to add music in the future.
11/22/97- Added some new work, and created some personal Icons that can be used on any web page. Take a look see at them and let me know if there good. Also created A pic of me (well sorta). See you some time next year.
10/26/97- Evened out the new art by adding four new pics. Also adjusted some of the pages.
10/20/97-"Remember don't take candy from straingers, except from circus clown's and the Easterbunny.".." Don't worry you'll understand..." Sam &Max(mis quoted)
10/19/97-Some new Holloween styled art is added.
09/12/97-Might remove the nonframe section. Also added a new pic. For a better picture choose the tiff file. You can take it here as a sample of some of my art which is geting alot better.
09/01/97-The page is updated take a look at the new files and new links.
08/30/97- Things will be updated on the first of September.
08/29/97-There are now two page versions avaliable. The framed version is a little more graphical enhanced. The non-framed version is less intense and might load fasrter at times, or vice-versa. However both involve some Java for the counter.
08/26/97-If the Guest Book isn't back up yet and you want to leave youre mark, then send me E-mail about my page. I will transfur youre message to the new guest book as soon as I up date my page.
08/22/97-Started work on new layout for my page(s). There will be a framed version and the orrigional non framed version. Either way both of them uses a java counter & the framed version looks better. I will be removeing some files. In return I will also be adding some new files.
06/27/97-Got a new guestbook up and running.
06/21/97-Added a page for my new stuff. Guestbook is still down, & still working on site.
06/21/97-New files have bee uploaded: Amber01, Amber02, Cleo, Faces, Januss_a, Januss_b, Lanstar_a, Lanstar_b, Seiko01, Seiko02_a, Seiko02_b, Starnight, Vallan, Spring, & Xanith
05/28/97-Guestbook is down and won't be up untill the fall. A replacement is on the way.
05/16/97-Updated a link and construction on my page continues.
05/08/97-To see the new counter click the ICount Logo.